Lost everything after dying in Kurak's

PC, Steam, official server 1737, PvE Exiled Lands map.

You know the drill. I died inside Kurak’s and had “Dungeon” selected for respawn. Got stuck in an infinite loadscreen and waited for a LONG time without success, and started to hear the title screen music, so I had to ctrl-alt-del and End Task, after which point I was returned to OUTSIDE the dungeon. To make things even more interesting, I came back stuck on the geometry and could not move away, so I had to reboot and enter the game again, after which point I was told that the portal was “Currently Unstable”. My thrall was Scouting, my body was inside with all of my Blood Crystals, so by the time the dungeon was reset, my thrall was home and my corpse and all my gear poofed.

Looking over bug reports of this issue, I see that several identical posts (including the infinite loadscreen) were posted just this last December, so the bug has apparently remained even since then. Please FIX. Please?

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Yep it’s true same for me. they deleted the funcion to keep loot on you then you die in Kurak dungeon, so now if you die in Kurak dungeon and then return back in you will not find your body. The same thing if you want to summon your body, you just cant so this is bad and annoing but!

From the public beta patch notes.


So we need to wait chapter 4 for this fix again)

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