I need my body back

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1052
Mods: =MODS=

Bug Description:

After death in mek kamoses spire have no possible to take body, because i caannot come inside dungeon

Bug Reproduction:

Me with my friend go to the Dungeon Mek-Kamoses with 2 thralls. I died on 1st boss and try to ressurect in dungeon. Then i recieve load screen which freeze. I restarted the game and trying to reconnert. After this i ressurect near portal with have no possibility to come inside dungeon. Now my bgody in dungeon and i can’t take my bag. My nick is Аналус Неопкорённый

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It’s not a bug, it’s a feature, at least if I remember it correctly. Don’t tale anything you can’t lose for that dungeon. It locks you out if you die. So, what you lose there is lost for good. It used to be like this. If that changed, I’m not aware. Thralls must be recalled asap. They will lose their gear though.

I don’t remember them mentioning this issue anywhere and I’m glad to see a bug report to bring it back into the forefront.

I guess that’s the problem, @erjoh . Players don’t know about it until it’s too late. That dungeon is also quite prone to bugs, which exacerbates the whole issue. Wak made a video about it. I was lucky enough to see it before my game bugged inside the dungeon. I don’t know if things changed meanwhile, but by the looks of it it’s still the same.

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This happened to me last week too with two others. If you look at your event log everything decays pretty much on death. Unfortunately you just have to take replaceable stuff until they either fix it or tell us too bad.

@MarcosC might be correct though. They mentioned changing the way the respawns work in there a few updates ago. (I believe)

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