Lost recipe Eldarium braciers after using reset potion

Game mode: Online official SIPTAH
Type of issue: Bug |
Server type: | PvE-Conflict |
Region: EU
Mods?: [ Are mods installed: No ]
Edition: [ Steam |

Bug Description:

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

See title.

Steps to Reproduce:

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Learn the recipe
  2. Reset feats and attributes
  3. Recipe lost.

Hey there, thank you for reaching out to us about your issue. Before moving further, could you answer 2 questions for us, please?

1- Have you used the Yellow Lotus Potion?
2- Have you ever transferred your character to another server before?

Thanks in advance.

So transfering also does this? Ahh it all makes sense now. Well gotta go and get some recipes.

more like the combination of both 1 and 2

Use this “Potion of Bestial Memory” and NOT “Yellow Lotus Potion”.
No problem.

So if you go to siptah, learn things, back to exiled lands and use the potion to reset feature points, you can lose some learned recipes? And is it possible to learn it again? Im willing to visit sipath but waiting for the transfer to be more stable.

Hi yes i reset feats with yellow lotus.

This is an easy recipect to get again so no trouble really.

Yes i transfered, but not after learning the reciepe.

Thats not easy to get on Siptah…

Go to EL to learn it, then go back to siptah :slight_smile:

Never use yellow lotus
Always been buggy I never trust it any more

Devs should remove the item if they can’t fix the issues, we have alternatives?

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