Maelstorm monsters do not despawn after the storm is over


Does anyone have an issue on The Isle of Siptah where the monsters from the Maelstorm do not disappear after the storm is over?
I tried to relog, restart the server, but the creatures remain in place. And if I kill them when the storm isn’t active, the respawn soon after.


I set up a Siptah ps4 server recently and that seems to be a option. Understand don’t know if you are on private server or official. We left it off purge is enough for new people @Nightshade

I am on private server, yes. A modded one. Would you be so kind and provide me with a clue on how to turn that option off? I will really appreciate it!


OK I don’t know about mods being on ps4 but the setting was on Gportal site if that is what you are using. Alot of new settings in there now took me several trials to set things up. Multiple settings for maelstrom
.Can’t shut our server down now to check to many people on. I have gone through trial and error for the past 4 years makes it interesting and some times exasperating

Kiah does. She doing a playthrough now and has noticed more than once, the monsters are everywhere.

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It’s been reported to be the same on official severs as well.

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Yes I’ve been VERY surprised when I visited some “safe zone” after the 3.0 update. I can’t find any parameter in the gameplay interface to switch them off. Maybe it’s somewhere in one of the .ini files?

This is a known issue that they’ve continued to mention is still a problem. While annoying, I did use it to my advantage to collect black blood and raw ash… so yeah… silver lining in an otherwise annoying frustration.


Rip them up while you can then. Weird things happening on ps4 official today ending up going back to our private server’s. To many invisible things in base especially doors that fling you all over.

Can confirm this happens in officials as well. I assumed it was intentional as these are clearly not linked to the maelstrom and have fixed spawn points and shears spawn the same thing.

It was mentioned in a patch note as a continuing bug that they are aware of. It was a couple hotfixes ago so it must be a doozy to fix.

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Best feature of 3.0. It makes the maelstrom area of Siptah interesting instead of a jumbled mess.

But now Maelstrom itself doesn’t make sense. Maybe add Siege Things and get rid of this pink “hellokitty” nonsense at all?

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