Game mode: [Offline | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Bug | Misc]
Region: [Here]
While going through the Conan Exiles Gamepedia site recently, I noticed two irregularities. I am just wondering if these are bugs, or if they are intended? Any additional input would be very welcomed.
As most of us would already know, the Savanna biome is split into two sections. There is one in the far north of the Desert biome, the other is located north of Supermeru, on the western edge of the map (see picture). I have noticed that the Savanna on north edge of the Desert of the desert is a more distinctive, bright yellow colour to diffentiate it, whereas the one above Supermeru is just displayed as the same dull generic colour as the Desert itself. Is this a visual bug, intentional or is there a reason behind it…!? If it is a bug could we possibly have the western Savanna biomes colour changed to be the same as the eastern one?
I noticed on Gamepedia under locations, for ‘Capitals’, that Sinners Refuge is listed as a capital and has a coloured camp symbol as its map marker! (See picture) Is this correct and how its supposed to appear?!? Or is the Gamepedia page wrong? Because if it is correct, there is a bug which makes Sinners Refuge appear as a generic white cave icon instead. If this is indeed a bug, could we possibly correct it at some point.
I also noticed that the Volcano biome is the only biome without a capital. Again, just wondering if this is intententional or a bug? If it is not intentional, can we appoint the Volcano a nice colourful capital marker? After all its such a dreary place, and the Cult of Skelos has to live there; lets bolster their spirits.
Again these (bugs?) are not urgent. Just though I would call attention to them so we can add them to the list.
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
- Open the map
- Observe the said indiscrepancies
- Ponder them curiously
- Draw it to the attention of the Conan Exiles community