Mega Survival In the Exiled Lands

How about having to purify some water?
That some water might make you sick like in my above example.

I was thinking about this yesterday when swimming across the river.
What if meat spoils in your inventory unless you have it in a meat preservation bag… And environmental effects would ruin your meat.
Like swimming in a river.
But the bag limits how much you can carry?
Or has its own capacity so to speak.
Like an inventory in an inventory…
If that went in line with the hunger meter in a proper day and night cycle.

What if food generally only restores a bit of health.
And eating to much would have a negative effect just like not eating enough…

I can see your point, but it sounds to me like it would take the survival game too far towards survival and too far away from game. Games should still be fun and entertaining to play, which includes some suspension of disbelief when it comes to healing. Realistically, a single sword cut could take weeks to heal, or it could leave a permanent crippling injury if not treated properly. Eating a fish would not close your wounds.

But very few people would want to play a bedridden, feverish character for several weeks.

Now, I understand that’s not what you’re suggesting, but my point is, there needs to be a balance where the game remains enjoyable to play instead of turning it into a chore, and requiring too much effort to heal between fights has never been fun in my opinion. It can be a different matter in turn-based RPGs where strategical party management is part of the game, but in an action-adventure I prefer being able to jump back into the fray as quickly as possible.

I agree you’d have to find a balance.
But it would mean picking your fights and more to mange in a way.
Maybe I’m a sucker for punishment but part of the appeal and the game would be to keep your character fit and healthy.
Of course the ‘mega survival’ could be a setting for people who want that… ‘hard-core mode’

Also you could heal through other means than just eating… I’m all for magic potions, bandages and poultices for quick healing.

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