MEGAversary isn’t MEGAversary without some PvP!
On Saturday 27th June, come and join us in Shambala.
See you in the queue from 12:00 noon UTC with Nine Swords, and then from 14:00UTC with League of Monster Slayers
4hours of PvP! MEGAversary3 : Calendar of events WEEK 1
We’ll see if we can ‘motivate’ a few LoMSers to keep it going at least one more hour. It may take some organizing, and everybody knows LoMS capacity for organizing… 
That would be awesome
Just reply here or let me know in game and I can do all the calendar updates etc! Thanks!
Heya Katelin, it looks like I will be organizing the second 2 hours of the Shambala event. Let me know if I can be of any further help or if there is anything specific you want me to announce.
Brilliant!! Will make sure you get you a copy of an announcement script via PM here. On the day - would suggest also popping a status into Social Panel. I will go and change the calendar to reflect that the event will continue for another 2hours! Thank you <3
I will try to be there for the shambala tour!
je vais essayer d’être là pour la tournée de shambala!
i need to remember how to play in time! xD
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See… I WOULD be interested… but that starts about 6 hours before I can physically drag myself out of bed. I hope the hunting goes well, mates!
do we join #pvp as per usual?
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I’ll be making call outs to remind people we are heading in there via LFG and event - and plan to continue the coordination and encouragement to join the queue via Event.
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Shambala with 9S!
Time to go: 0 days 03 hours and 25 minutes
and continuing on seemlessly…
Shambala with LoMS
Time to go: 0 days 05 hours and 25 minutes
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Keep an eye out on the event chanel! Starting soon! (At last, I got to use my Yeti model
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Massive thank yous to everyone that took time to queue for Shambala today! It was a lot of fun, and only a couple of bugged instances in all that I ran.
Special thank you from me to @Unsafecrayon - I really appreciated having your support today, and for the time you invested yourself into running the second half of the event <3
I also posted a few screenshots on twitter with the #megaversary3 tag :
It was my pleasure, @Katelin. I had a blast and think it was a total success. Would totally do it again next year!!