Metal: Hellsinger VR immediately crashes on startup

Game version: Metal: Hellsinger VR (can’t find build id, sorry, whatever is up rn)
Type of issue: Crash
Mods: No

Bug Description:
(I posted on Metal: Hellsinger VR Steam Community Discussions [won’t let me link it tho], then I joined the discord, and it said on the discord to post here, so here it is here too! I can’t see a VR-specific forum here, sorry if I’m putting stuff in the wrong place. Kindof sorry for posting in too places, I’m not impatient, just excited:).

When I try and run it, it very briefly (like I had to screencap it to even see it) pops up a unity crash window (no text, just the logo and a progress bar along the bottom) & then exits.
I can’t find a crash log in
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\TheOutsiders\ (no “TheOutsiders” folder),
No “metal” subfolder under C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\ at all, no .log file in the install folder or subfolders that I can find.
I have Win 10 i7-4790k, 16 GB RAM, GTX 1060 6GB, SSD, which I think exceeds the recommended CPU/RAM requirements & meets minimum GPU. I’ve got an original VIVE. My VR stuff works generally, e.g., I can run Beat Saber & my own OpenXR game.
Same if I run from desktop, or from within Steam VR. Doesn’t seem to run from VR Home at all.
I have it installed on D drive with all of my other games, surely that’s not the issue:)
I’m not running any 3rd-party antivirus & I don’t feel like I’ve done anything peculiar:)

I can’t find the crash logs, but maybe they’re somewhere weird, I can find them if you let me know where else ot look.

Steps to Reproduce:
Running the game any of these ways causes the crash:
Run the game from Steam (Steam VR not running);
Run the game from Steam (Steam VR running, but not home room);
Run the game from Steam (Steam VR home running);
I’m not able to run from Steam VR home as far as I can see.

Very sorry, I just needed to verify my game files via Steam (right-click the game in steam library list, properties, installed files, “Verify integrity of demo files”), it must have somehow fumbled the initial install (my memory of this is, it looked like it had installed fine and then didn’t run, but it was ages ago now, maybe I’m wrong - feel pretty foolish now for not trying to verify first).

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