Thing is, the dungeon is not that difficult but if you happen to die after you kill a boss, the bosses that you’ve already killed respawns and you cant get your loot back, because you cannot skip it and you can not kill it naked. I have died 3 times at the last boss (yes, i’m not a really good PvE player) and all 3 times I lost all my gear because the earlier bosses were respawned. It needs a fix asap.
So you’re saying the dungeon IS difficult and risky then? I’m playing around. In reality I recently did the Midnight Grove for the first time in a couple months and found that they nerfed it from what it originally was. It used to be much more difficult for a solo player, quite a bit more, and now with the ability to have a top tier fighter thrall follow you (like Daicas), it’s almost stupid easy. I’d like to see it more difficult again.
And yea, I died to the last boss too, even with my Captain following me XD. Fortunately I had someone with me and they picked up my body. I couldn’t get my Captain back, but he returned ‘home’ a couple hours later and I could recover him.
ha, don’t get me started with the midnight grove… love - hate it.
Take my pet in there, and when you die… not only is your body in a place you can’t get to (as everything respawns… quickly… and you are naked) but your faithful pet fido is nowhere to be seen either… quite the bummer.
Single-player… there should definitely be:
a: NO respawns in a dungeon
b: You should not respawn at the entrance just because you logged out of the game…
yeah, log out, to come back to it later - (everything is respawned of course) and you are at the beginning.
oh, and old faithful fido, your following pet, is still wherever you were when you logged out… hmm, no reset for him/her I see. (not fair)
So ,yes - change this please - by the love of Crom, Funcom!
I think one of the biggest issues with that dungeon is that in single player games it resets completely if you die…
So if you are playing on a harder mode where gear drops on death then it’s much more difficult to retrieve gear than if you were solo on a multiplayer game … where the bosses stay dead and some trash NPCs would have respawned but not all of them.
This needs to be addressed by Funcom … that dead bosses should STAY dead until player has exited the dungeon in the single player game. We have option to respawn inside the dungeon and that should preserve the cleared boss rooms for a single/co-op game.
Sure, this would resolve the issue for the singleplayers, i agree.
Like still giving more option to privat servers and singleplayer is the best thing to do. You can’t make everybody happy with same settings, that’s just impossible.
So of course, more checkboxes and options in all kind, especially for singleplayer-co-op.