Missing Barachan castaway outfit pieces

Basic Info:

Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Bazaar
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: =SERVER NAME=

Bug Description:

Bought the barachan castaway bundle and half of the armor set isnt appearing will i have to pay for the foot wraps and the wrist bands separately even tho the outfit itself was in the bundle?

Bug Reproduction:

I saw that there was a foot wraps and wrist bands for the outfit in the admin panel

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Sadly, not everything in the admin panel makes it into live. There could have been an issue with the wraps before release, they may be released as an additional accessory or Funcom might have forgotten about it by mistake.


Greetings @Marylambs ,

Thank you for reaching out to us. Please submit a ticket to our Help center so our team can investigate what’s happening in your account.

Make sure to select “in-game purchase” as the issue type.

Have a great week!

I’d hate to think we’ll have pay for these separately. This is essentially the light armor for the Barachan sets and the medium and heavy were complete. This is the first case of it not being complete since the admin panel has made that dreadfully apparent. It’s even more disgusting when you consider it wasn’t a cheap pack to begin with. :unamused:


This isn’t just her. It’s everyone that bought the pack. Those pieces were INTENTIONALLY not included in the pack. It’s pretty much the development team withholding items that should have been in the outfit pack to begin with. @den I hope you weren’t expecting to make money on these pieces separately because that’s pretty disgusting when you consider the price of the set already and the fact that the previously released heavy and medium armors were complete. I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that this was just an oversight and will be remedied in the near future.

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Greetings Exiles,

Please be aware that the items present in the Bazaar and in the Knowledge menu are the correct ones.
The two items that appear in the Admin Panel under the ‘Barachan’ name are items that have not been implemented/added to the game.

As it stands the outfit bundle only consists of the following pieces: Bandana, Sash and Loincloth

Thank you again for bringing this to our attention and we apologize for the confusion.

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Thanks, Dana. Hopefully you guys will consider making these additional pieces free as it just doesn’t seem right to not include them and make us pay for them separately.


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