Basic Info:
Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: none
Mods: none
Bug Description:
Missing Well of Skelos Boss (The Degenerate)
Bug Reproduction:
This isn’t new; get in the Well of Skelos dungeon, go to the bossfight, watch the purple ghosts attack you with all the dialogue working fine, but the boss himself is not there and does not appear after killing all the ghosts either.
This poses two issues:
• The first one is a bit mundane, but you cannot get the Shining Trapezohedron, and thus you cannot complete the main game quest to craft the Keystone.
→ The second issue is more severe, as the Dungeon Delver journey requires to kill the Degenerate to complete, and there is no other way to acquire the recipe to craft the Ranger Armorset.
Note: Sometimes, but very rarely, The Degenerate is present. It is however quite rare and very inconsistent!
Note 2: The Tortured King, World Boss usually present at the King’s Niche (coordinates -220,-48) has the same issue, and is rarely present at his spawn point.