Mobs spawning inside base after 2.7

Game mode: Single-player
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE
Region: [ Please enter your server region ]
Mods?: Yes
Edition: Steam

Bug Description:

I built on one of the waters of Oasis of Nekhet. Before 2.7, I had no issues with this, but since I have had mobs spawn inside my building. A baby shaleback (cute), a baby jaguar (very cute) and a grown shaleback (not so cute).

Installed Mods:

Level 140 - Unlock Everything
Less Building Placement Restrictions
NOPeR’s Lighted Power Stones
Better Pets
Dude’s Delightful Decorations
Savage Steel II
Savage Steel

Had all these mods before 2.7, but did not have spawns inside my building.

Steps to Reproduce:

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Build over water in the Oasis of Nekhet (Northeast pool)
  2. Just have to leave area and come back. Spawns aren’t inside every time, so may take several attempts.

Hello, could you please try playing without the mods and see if this is still happening?

Sorry to take so long to get back with you, but I had an issue. I had built an outer wall around the oasis that was blocking spawn points nearby, and that stopped the spawns inside my base. I removed mods and had to destroy the wall to test it. The issue was that I had used modded foundations for the wall. I assumed the wall would just all be gone. Instead I had a complete wall standing with no foundations. And when I destroyed the bottom pieces, the top part stayed in mid air.
I destroyed a large section and got the spawns back in front of my base, which were the closest ones to where they spawned inside. I left the area and came back several times with no spawns inside my base. So maybe it was the mods. Can not confirm, since it didn’t happen every time before. Also, destroying the entire wall piece-by-piece would be a serious pain. So if the inside spawns were from somewhere else where the wall still blocked, then that could be why they didn’t spawn inside.

I am encountering something similar on my modded private server running the EL.

The only common mods between the OP and my server are Pippi and Fashionist.

I built on a peninsula near J5. a crocodile now spawns on top of my smelter and the kappa constantly spawn amongst the placed thralls and pets. Three of the last four purges have spawned on the roof of my structures even though there is direct land access to the base area. The first was very nasty and resulted in a nearly complete purging of the base. The kitchen staff were way OP for the sub lvl 30 players at the time. Would have been a challenge even if they hadn’t spawned on the roof and destroyed it from the top down.

After the fourth purge (third on the roof), I have completely disabled purge on the server while hoping for a fix.

Every purge has several spawn points. If the NPCs are not able to reach the destination or at least a building part which is directly connected with the destination (the point which is marked on the map) on an unblocked path the purge will spawn directly on or inside your building.
ie.: I had a castle which was surounded by a wall which was not connected to the main building. The first purge spawned inside my castle. After I connected the wall with foundations with the main building the next purge spawned at spawn point outside and started to attack the wall.

You can copy the game.db on your PC and use it in a solo game to do some tests (fill your purge meter using the admin command, etc.).

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Regarding the buildings snd spawn points:
the first (destroyed) building was built on foundations over the beach, with two walkways connected to the land level also formed of foundations. no walls preventing access, only some palisades with large gaps (early enough in the game the defenses were far from complete). So, multiple easy land access. No reason for the teleportation to the roof.

The next two roof-purges purge appeared on top of a building sitting in the middle of the land area. land all around. no walls blocking access.

The non-roof-purge spawned a ways down the beach and moved towards the building instead appearing on the roof. This is the expected behavior. This was the second of four purges and the only one that seemed to work as intended. It was fun with six waves.

Another oddity of the latter two roof-purges was that the game indicated they were regrouping, but they never attacked again and the purge target disappeared. No ‘defeated’ notice.

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