Mods on Microsoft Store (PC) and how to install them

Hello everyone,

Now that Conan Exiles is also available on the Microsoft Store (PC), we’ve decided to make a quick guide on how Mods work on the Microsoft Store (PC) version of the game.

The list of steps shows how you can install and play with mods and also how to uninstall them. Steps are available for both local and dedicated server sessions.


For mods to work on Microsoft Store the game must be installed on the same disk drive where Windows is installed (typically this is the C: drive).

This is an issue we are trying to fix and we are currently in talks with Microsoft Store’s support to figure out a solution.

Mods enabled: You must have mods enabled on Microsoft Store. To do this you should read and follow Microsoft’s documentation on how to “Enable Mods” - see: Xbox Support

(avoidable) Workaround:

  • Give admin privileges to the following folder: “%PROGRAMFILES%\ModifiableWindowsApps\Conan Exiles”;
  • Open Windows start, search for the “Conan Exiles” app, right-click it and press “Run as administrator”.

Run local mods (Single-Player / Co-op)

Manual installation

  1. You have to get mod(s) from external sources (internet, Modders webpage, etc…);
  2. Create a folder called “Mods” on: “%PROGRAMFILES%\ModifiableWindowsApps\Conan Exiles\WindowsNoEditor\ConanSandbox”;
  3. Copy the desired mod(s) retrieved on ( 1 ) (only the .pak should be required) to the folder created on ( 2 );

Activate mods

  • Run the game;
  • On the main menu navigate to the “ Mods ” menu. Verify that installed mod(s) is(are) present on the “Available Mods” column;
  • Move the mod(s) you wish to activate to the “Selected Mods” column;
  • Press back and restart the game as requested;
  • On the next run of the game, mods should be installed and ready to use on Single-Player/Co-op.

Deactivate mods


  • Same as “Activate mods” but move from the “Selected Mods” column to the “Available Mods” column;
  • Uninstall mods.

Uninstall mods


  • Delete the mods folder created during installation;
  • Uninstall the game.
    Join co-op sessions with mods is not supported
    We don’t support direct download of mods from listen-servers (co-op). You will have to get the mods from an external source (internet or either by contacting the co-op host) if you want to play on that co-op session. The mod mismatch menu should alert you to this case.

Mods on a Dedicated server - Players

Manual installation for mods on a dedicated server.

  1. You have to get any mod from external sources (internet, Modders webpage, etc…)
  2. Create a folder called “Mods” on: “%PROGRAMFILES%\ModifiableWindowsApps\Conan Exiles\WindowsServer\ConanSandbox”
  3. Create a “modlist.txt” file on the created folder on ( 2 ).
  4. Edit the above file on ( 3 ) and, for each mod you want the server to run, add a new line with the full path of the mod;
    a) Example: Get a ModExample1.pak and move it to “C:\Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps\Conan Exiles\WindowsServer\ConanSandbox\Mods”. “modlist.txt” should have the following line “C:\Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps\WindowsServer\ConanSandbox\Mods\ModExample1.pak”;
    b) Repeat for any other mod.

On the next run, the dedicated server will have the mods installed.

Join a dedicated server running with mods

  • Run the game and join a dedicated server running with mods;
  • Verify that the “Mod Mismatch” menu appears listing the mods the player is missing;
  • Proceed to download the missing mods by pressing the Download button;
  • Once the download finishes press the Connect button;
  • A restart will happen which will auto-connect the player to the modded dedicated server.
  • (Alternative) You can manually install and activate the mods of the dedicated server if you get them from external sources.

Uninstall mods from the dedicated server

  • Delete the mod line entries on “modlist.txt” for the mods you don’t want to run;
  • Delete the mods folder.

Mods on a dedicated server - Admins

As a server admin you don’t need to do anything different than what you’ve done before. However you may need to adjust a few settings to ensure a smooth experience for players running the Microsoft Store (PC) version of the game and relying on Auto-Downloads.

Ports needed for Auto-Downloading mods

  • The default port for this feature is 7777 (TCP)
  • This can be changed by editing Engine.ini, section: “[/Script/ConanSandbox.SystemSettings]”, entry: “ModFileDownload.DownloadPortOffset". For instance a value of 2 will change the port to 7779 TCP and so on.

(Advanced users only) Other settings for server admins

  • These settings can be found in the file Engine.ini of your server installation, section: “[/Script/ConanSandbox.SystemSettings]”:
  • ModFileDownload.MaxSimultaneousClientConnections (default value 5) Maximum number of client connections allowed. 0 or negative disables Mod files download.
  • ModFileDownload.MaxServerPerConnectionBandwidthMbps (default value 250) Mbps Maximum bandwidth in Mbps (bits, not bytes) allowed by the server for a single connection. Note that the limit is not absolute and may be overshot a bit, as it’s a threshold when to start throttling down. 0 or negative disables bandwidth limiting.
  • Please note that some server hosts may have restrictions that interfere with these settings.
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