More glitches now

Xbox, 2508 server, pve-c.
Today, game disconnected 3 times in between the numerous times falling through foundations. Last disconnect was over 3 hrs ago. (Its now 2145 central time). Tickets sent by me and another clanmate. Please look into the server disconnects? The disconnections are more and now longer. The glitching through the floors is increasing by the day it seems. Its nothing to play for 4 hours and spend half the time glitching through the floors or waiting to be able to walk on them again to spend another half hour pulling the thralls out of the floor.

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:brazil: feedback Conan Exiles pc xbox ps4 @Community

:face_with_monocle: Isso acontece em todos os servidores, nĆ£o acho que tenha relaĆ§Ć£o com os servidores mas sim com a autenticaĆ§Ć£o que fica puxando informaƧƵes a todo momento apĆ³s a implementaĆ§Ć£o do bazar e passe de batalha Ć© algo sobre o espaguete que fizeram com essa nova programaĆ§Ć£o. :thinking: Mas sim o servidor tem uma certa culpa pois o jogo nĆ£o deixa ninguĆ©m jogar estĆ” com mais lag e com muitos travamentos por isso que foi removido a opĆ§Ć£o que mostrava o PING e ms do jogo :sleepy:

Greetings Exile,

Thank you for your report. Our team is aware of this issue and investigating it.

Could you share with us if you were engaging in any activity in-game, idle, or performing a specific action each time you got disconnected?

We hope to hear back from you. :slight_smile:

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Been doing research with 4 clans over several days. When a level 7 or above purge is done, the game disconnects.

Hello again,

Thank you for the additional information. And how about the falling through foundations, does that happen spontaneously or when you are engaging in the purge as well? Did you and your friends notice any pattern in the activity you were engaging in when the fall happened?

We appreciate your assistance with this issue.

Falling through foundations is very random. It can be a fall through, immediate fix. It can be fall through, fix, fall through within 5 mins. Could be 30 mins to an hour before you can walk on foundations again. Its very random. I have noticed, however, less players on, less likely to glitch.

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