Most Official EU servers are down! Why?

Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [EU]

Most EU servers are down atm.
Whats the cause? When will they be back online? Why is there no announcement about it? It’s weekend…

Best Regards!

Servers are back Online. Ty :slight_smile:

And again 99% of the EU servers are down. Normal Restart message and but they never came back Online… Are you fixing some problems with the servers or whats the reason for the downtime?

Got the same on mine at PC… its really frustrating :’)

Yeah they should at least change the restart message if there is a server maintenance going on which takes more than 15 mins…

Exactly, i’ve been waiting for 1+ hour now xD

Uff ich dachte schon die server wurden zusammengelegtz aber ja meiner ist auch weg und da will man mal ne nacht durchdaddeln und dann das… :confused:
Funcom plz macht was !!!

Please report official server issues to the appropriate place listed here and be sure to read the note in bold:

Downtime usually doesn’t get an announcement if it’s not half the servers getting ddosed, a major power outage or something along those lines. Servers go up and down every day for a short time.
Also, it’s usually a whole range of servers going down.

Lately, there have been connectivity issues on ps4. See also Official servers connectivity issues - Feedback thread (this is not for downtime issues)

Oh well if you already waited more than 1 hour i’ll give up for today…
Btw this Server Restart + “Downtime” completely screwed our raid as there was ~30 min left in PVP raid time before they servers went down and didnt came back up since than. Indeed this it’s really frustrating!!! :frowning:

Ouchh, luckely i play on PvE and i was just standing in my base cooking tons of hardened brick hehe

We are not talking about a “short time” and ofc i reported via official link…

You’re playing at midnight, so it cant hurt to wait a day or so more, right?

I’ve seen more cases of servers repeatedly doing this. Sometimes it’s something invisible, sometimes a ddos. It happens.

Edit: Good to know - the link is just an fyi for anyone who doesnt know about those places.

the same thing happened to most of the Asian servers, including the one which held all of my work on it [4061]. You place in a ticket and get no response, or even a reason for the server still being down, and that specific official server has been down since the update.

The lack of communication or even an acknowledgement that it is being worked on is the problem. We submit a ticket, it asked for email, nothing… even if they create a server status page on their official site would be better than the silence, and not a third party reporting site which most of us use… this site needs to be held accountable for the issues and reporting

It asks for an email for if they need any more details. If they see the server is still down at the time they look at the ticket, they should get sent through to gportal. I don’t know why some tickets get lost, it’s like the tool is displayed to them as these forums are to me, with a filter on the posts, so you only see the new/hot ones.

as of 1750 EST, its still down from reset

Hey there,

G-Portal acknowledged a brief server outage during the night. All servers should be up and running now.

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Yes, at least our server was up shortly after TheLOLxd2’s last message. I was just abit nervous about the downtime because we were in a raid/pvp battle and I was out there with high tier stuff and i couldnt make it back to a safe spot/base in time after the 10min server restart message… :wink:

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Server is down again, this time without any restart/warning messag and ofc in the middle of PVP time… cmon! :confused:
edit: its back online now. hope it stays like dat for the evening…

And it’s down again! :confused:

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