My own character is falling through the foundations

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1042
Mods: none

Bug Description:

I really want to play the game at the moment, but my own character keeps falling through the layers of foundations and I’m stuck deep under my own buildings. This serious bug is completely random and completely ruins the gaming experience, because there is nothing to do but restart the game, after which my character is back on top of the foundations. This bug is so serious that I think it should be treated as a priority, because when it occurs, all other functions of the game, including moving your own character, become impossible.

Bug Reproduction:

I find it very difficult to say how to test this bug because it happens randomly. I’m sure it happens when I stop for about 5 seconds or more on the floor of my own building which has about 5-6 layers of foundation stacked on top of each other.

Check chat, bet some one started a purge. Been an ongoing issue for many months.
still seems broke on the beta server.

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Greetings Arandin!
Thank you for reaching out to us.

Could you please let us know what foundations are you using that make you fall through them?
Additionally, does this happen with any other foundation placed anywhere?

We’ll be waiting for your reply!

Thanks for your help.
I only use aqulonian and agrossean foundations when I build my floors. I don’t skimp on making sure there is no gap between the soil and the floor. Hence when it does, I get stuck in the lowest foundation location. I suppose it’s because that’s when my character’s feet reach the ground. I admit that I like to build so I have buildings with 6-7 or more layers of foundation stacked on top of each other and I suffer a significant fall damage but luckily not enough to kill my character. Also, I’ve noticed that the error occurs when I run inside my own building and stop somewhere even for a moment. However, this could just be a coincidence. I am sure that when I explore the world and walk on the ground this does not happen.
I fix this by exiting the menu and reconnecting to the server. Then my character is back on top of the foundations and I can continue playing.
I will try to monitor the performance of my own machine and my internet connection to see if I can find any further correlation.

you must be kidding by asking such questions…

it happens ON EVERY FOUNDATIONS/BUILDING PIECE IN THE GAME… and it is getting worse! what kind of question are you doing? do you know Funcom has a game called CONAN EXILES? i really cant udnertand how can you be so disconected of the current status oif the game! i did expect funcom to be aware of a bug that has been reported for a year and it is still not solved… .

@AndyB please give this guys a link to known issues. so they can do a better job! please!!!

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