Game mode: [Online official] Type of issue: [Bug] Server type: [PvP] Region: [EU]
i’ll add server number: 1055
[Describe the bug here]
I just lost my Bandit Leader along with his equipped legendary weapon and epic armor !! Please help ! Can i get it back? I can send you logs, he’s just gone… Plus im soloing that on pvp so this is making my life so much harder omg… :’(
And this is a game breaker which might actually get me to stop playing this unfinished uncared for game…
How i think this happened?
OMG lucky i found him, 3 to 400m away from my base guarding still (i left him on follow though when i logged off).
Anyways that is not something that should have happend ! you might want to look into it anyways.
OOh… lovely, thank you very much!
this is a bit… complicated… but that makes sense at least : )
Regards and sorry for the first message bitterness i had been virtually running around for an hour before i sent it… sorry : )