Need help fo CE on PC

After strating CE on my PS 4 then switching on XBox One S when I got one, I’m now playing it on a PC with Steam.
My PC having only a 256go SSD I’ve installed Steam and Steam’s games on USB disk,2 TO capacity, so I can use the SSD mostly for the system.
But I can’t find where the screen captures I took are stored. I’m not even sure my attempt to take screen captures where sucessful.
If someone could help me about those I’ll be eternally gratful to him / her. :grinning:


Go to View and then Screenshots


At the bottom of the window there is an option to Show on Disk which will open the directory where your screenshots are being stored.

I believe F12 is the default to take screenshots in Steam but that, as well as the directory, can be changed in the Steam settings. Go to View and then Settings, select In-Game to changes these.


I was going to ask for your help and you read my mind evidently.


Thank you

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Aèla the cimerrian redhair (because of a vanir mother) with Brutus

Aèla with the rest of the pack : Sigried, Apollia, Oskar, Thor, Aries and Koji. And Tornado the black horse. The only proper name for a black horse. :smile:
My two first screenshots that worked with CE on PC. :laughing:


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