Nerver ending loading screen

:rotating_light: Hello, since thé New patch, i had issues and After a bug who frooze thé game now i Can t launch it and i have a loading screen that Never end… Do other PS4 players have this problem ? Is there a way to fix it except waiting a better day with bugs fixe?

Thanks and Crom bé with us .

Hello @Grokmork,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Could you please let us know if you notice this stuttering/freezing in specific spots on the map? If so, please send us a screenshot of the in-game map pointing to these locations.

Do specific activities/actions make this issue worse? If so, could you please let us know which ones and give more details?

Thank you in advance :smile:

Hello i was bringing home two White Tigers, thé location of this base is in i4. South of cannibal s rest.

I Can t have a screen shot sorry.

Thanks for your help

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