Saw the stream - they only showed the guys with the new armor.
Anyone on testlive can show the female versions of the two sets of armor shown?
Saw the stream - they only showed the guys with the new armor.
Anyone on testlive can show the female versions of the two sets of armor shown?
Here you go.
Thanks @Wak4863 for showing us that. Kinda funny that the heavy armour looks more light with all the skin showing and the light armour way more heavy with chainmail than the heavy armour itself. Good appearances though, guess my spa workers will get an upgrade.
I know there has been some report of a heavy armor. The one I’m referring to has no name and bags for icons. I don’t believe it’s for this update. You get a recipe drop for a light and medium armor from the wine cellar. No recipe for a heavy. The armor also stats that it’s light not heavy. It’s color scheme is also different from the other 2 armors. It also wasn’t shown in the livestream I doubt they would forget to show it. So it’s either obtained from a secret location entirely or will come in a future patch.
Being that we got 2 heavy armors out of the last dungeon (excluding the rusted version) I think we will only see 2 of the 3 this go round.
Rewatched your video. You had a slip of tongue. “Here’s what the armours look like on male and female. That was the heavy, this is the light. I really like the light.”
Ence my confusing comment. You and I meant the medium. My observation still applies though, the medium armour looks lighter in appearance than the light with all the chainmail.
Wouldn’t mind a heavy armour as well, but your logic about the last dungeon makes sense, so I won’t be holding my breath. Sad… they could have done all 3 versions for both the dungeon and this update. Oh well…
Ugh hate when I make mistakes like that. Sorry for the confusion. Yes medium and light and I agree the they look opposite of each other.
Not sure if it’s a troll by Funcom or not, but there are a few instances where armors looks are deceiving. The Heavy slaver armor come to mind, looks more like a light armor because it covers the minimum area of your body.
uuuuuuuuhhhhhh what on earth is that beauty??? Is this also in the free update??? Love it!! Ok scrap what I said before, THIS is the upgrade my spa workers are getting!!
It happens mate, don’t stress yourself over it, a simple notification will do, you did a good job.
And yeah I’m pretty sure the Heavy Slaver is totally a troll, like “standard female armour” kinda troll.
It named "XX noname 92200 " (92201;92202;92203;92204 for all pieces) and have bag icon in admin panel, maybe it nothing to do with new dungeon, I don’t know how unlock this outfits.
I intentionally left that one out of the video. It’s listed in the admin panel as xx_noname and has no recipe that I can find to link it to the wine cellar dungeon. I know it has been reported as being a heavy armor in some places, it’s listed as light when spawned in. Nothing has been officially verified by Funcom. That leads me to believe it will not be part of this update.
Edit - was typing this while you typed your reply.
also it give +6 bonus in strengh and +6 bonus in grit.
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