Thaumaturgy Bench

Can we please please change the appearance of armours regardless of their type.


bump @den pls :heart_eyes:

I heard a few people say you can, including some streamers in 3.0

Yeah I think the rule is light for light, medium for medium, heavy for heavy but they all have to be known to you.(no legendaries or some one gives you a royal armor set and you make other armors look like it)

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Nope. Tried it out myself. You can give heavy armor the appearance of light or vice versa. You do have to know the recipe though, but I think it was mentioned in the dev stream that they are considering doing away with that so that you can give stuff the appearance of legendary items.


That…changes everything in an awesome way.


Can confirm: All classes can be turned into any classes. No “heavy to heavy” restriction. Very good decision, adds lots of creative options to outfit your thrall army.

Some items such as the Dancer and Black Hand outfits don’t work, however. Source of the problem probably is that you don’t learn them via feat, but by having a level 4 armorer thrall. I guess (!) that wasn’t done on purpose.


Den said in the livestream that they might remove the restrictions to know how to make the item because of legendary weapons. But don’t hold it as gospel.

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is that in single player? because if you have “learn all recipes” in the admin panel it will allow you to do it but if you don’t have that option ticked you cannot. I was looking at that myself last night.

In fact it was in single player and no, I don’t have the option to unlock all recipes checked. As long as you’ve unlocked the recipe, whether through spending feat points or the admin panel, you should be able to give that appearance to any armor class. For example, in my test I gave the standard heavy armor the appearance of Yamatai light, and the light slaveforged ceremonial armor the appearance of heavy Khitan Imperial. It also works for the religious armors.

cool i’ll have to give it a try

sorry for the long delay in replying - yeah that’s the plan. the original design was to have no restrictions, but at some point they were added. I don’t know exactly when they will be removed, but it’s in our pipeline.


any comment on what havoc and malice or the whirlwind blades are as far as weapon types to transmogging? Are they considered daggers?

They are not. Tested this myself recently, they are transmoggable to each other but not with daggers. Transmogs appear to be locked to animation type

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you’re a legend m8

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