Please create a system to alter the look of every piece of gear being worn by the player and human thralls. I have to mix and match sometimes but would love a specific armor look or a mix of armor designs that compliment one another. This would be easily done using the same concept of altering the thralls before there placed down, such as the pict version of shalebacks etc. Honestly this feature has been long overdue. Hell just at it to the bazaar and I’ll be sure to buy it up.
You do realize there’s a transmog system called “illusion” in the thaumaturgy bench (sorcery bench), right? You pick the armor you want the stats of, then the armor you want the look of, and combine them.
Oh well, 2 years gone and stuff already has been implemented, then none of this matters and I appreciate the time you took to inform me I appreciate it
Sure thing. I feel sad for you that you only NOW found out about it.
Nice avatar btw!
PS: a warning… if you can’t dye either armor used, you won’t be able to dye the end product. Choose wisely. Most armor can be dyed, with a few exceptions like the backpack, eyepatch, or nemedian helm.
Thank you, also that is good to know, I managed to find it which is good, maybe you would know something else with the bazaar does it apply to only the current character it wss bought for online on a specific server as I know the BP is only for the one claimed on which I find very stupid that it cannot be used offline as well. But I don’t have a huge complaint about that until the possiblity of the online service being terminated which means I’ll lose all purchases.
Bazaar is account bound, not character bound, so any server, any mode, so long as you’re using the account you purchased items on. This even applies to different regions of the game (i.e., NA vs UK versions, unlike actual DLC), so long as it’s the same account. As for the BP, those are single use items like potions, siege boulders, etc., but all decor, armor recipes, skins, etc. are able to be used on any server or mode.
Well then I misunderstood a post I read a a later time that you had posted in which is good that my misunderstanding has been cleared up, makes me happy as I want to do a offline play just for downtime when my internet dips during windy days. The forest sucks in this regard when towns don’t maintain the tree branches near the lines…