New Eldarium weapons vs Old Eldarium weapons. What is going on?!

Ok, while there are clearly more important issues like stability and server crashes, at some point we have to talk about this, and at a quick glance I didn’t find any threads about this subject - the new Eldarium weapons that you can learn from the scrolls at the end of every Great Vault.

My question here is - what’s the deal with these weapons? Why are they so much better than the old ones? The ones you research via the Delving bench.

Not only it’s easy to learn the new weapons - you don’t need to rely on RNG of the research and don’t need to spend tons of Eldarium bars for the chance of learning one, but the cost difference of crafting is ridiculous!
Crafting any of the new Eldarium weapons at the improved Blacksmith costs 12 Eldarium bars.
Crafting any of the old Eldarium weapons at the improved Blacksmith costs… 47 Eldarium bars.

And keep in mind that stat-wise the new weapons are not worse in any way than the old ones. Everyone is running around with Feroxic weapons, because a weapon that poisons at every hit AND has impressive stats at the same time will be picked over any other any time of day.

Either increase the crafting cost of the new weapons, or lower it for the old ones. Also consider nerfing base damage of any weapon that is poisonous. That change has been made to the Venom-infused weapons from Exiled lands map for a reason.



I use them on my thralls, apart daggers no feroxic weapon impresses me for Player usage. Feroxic weapons are just an “intermediary” until you get into the Real stuff.

Now i do not say that is ok like it is now. Definetly once more players play Siptah (pvpers especially) the weapons will receive a balance.

Maybe it is my failure, but i see Conan Exiles as a mmorpg, no large scale but it is there the feeling. In any online gaming with new content comes also additional weapons/armors and so on. The new ones will always be better then the old ones and more appealing to players. Imo we just need to get used to it, i had the same feeling as you when the vault recipes were introduced.

But it’s not an MMO. All things should be balanced, old or new - doesn’t matter. I’m not against OP or unique weapons, for as long as they’re hard to get. The problem is not in the stats or effects of the new weapons, but in just how easy it is to learn and craft them

Cue another nerf or another slot machine…


This would be a welcome one

There’s always someone who will welcome a nerf. Or even a slot machine. I’m pretty freaking tired of both, but moreso when they’re gratuitous.

If there was one feroxic weapon – like there was one Lifeblood Spear or one Yog’s Touch – then I could understand a call for nerf. But feroxic weapons are a whole class with a decent variety in it: bow, daggers, greatsword, warhammer, pike, war-axe – pick your poison.

So what if they’re strong and easily available? They still present a decent amount of choice. Not everything needs to be nerfed into the ground just because it stands out.


The fact that they’re so easy to get limits choice for everyone. Why would I go and use Delving bench and craft weapons that i get from the research if I can just use Feroxic one?
I’ll repeat once again. Once. Again - I am NOT against op weapons. Just make them harder to get comparing to the less powerful options.
There was a reason why they nerfed Venom-infused weapons from Exiled lands, but left the Festering one powerful enough. Both weapons apply poison without the need to farm and re-apply the reaper venom, but one is hard to get and the other is easily craftable.

Do you not see the point still?

Good riddance. The concept of researching weapons and armor is great. The delving bench is yet another implementation that took an excellent concept and turned it into an awful slot machine.

All I see is more apologetics for the slot machine mechanics that Conan Exiles imported from MMOs. “Balancing” through RNG is not balancing.

It’s a cheap way to introduce artificial scarcity that serves no purpose other than to make people believe that they’re accomplishing something special.

I could agree that the cost of crafting feroxic weapons should be higher (or the cost of crafting old weapons lower).


FWIW, I get what he’s trying to say. If feroxic recipes are easy to obtain and the weapons are cheap to craft, then they obsolete other choices for most people. It’s kinda like iron weapons becoming obsolete when you reach the steel tier, except that there’s no clear-cut progression for reaching feroxic tier that would justify the obsolescence of other weapons.

Up to that point, I can agree with his reasoning.

What I disagree with is that they have to be nerfed or made artificially scarce through slot machine mechanics. It would be better if there was some kind of progression that makes it infeasible (or at least much harder) to get the feroxic weapons unless you have the previous tier.

But is it absolutely necessary? No, not really. There are so many weapons in this game that nobody treats seriously after a certain point (e.g. Cimmerian War Axe) or ever (e.g. The Brittle Bastard).

Nerfing stuff just makes people unhappy, and locking stuff behind RNG just makes the game more boring. But… it’s the cheapest option :slight_smile:

I didn’t actually mean that they should be thrown into a “slot machine”. There are many ways you could make these weapons harder to get without any rng involved. For example the cost could be increased to be on par with Delving bench weapons, or there could be used a special extra resource that you could get from doing some activity. Like a heart of any last boss in Elder Vaults, similar to Kingscourge weapons.


My apologies, that’s how it sounded to me.

Now we’re talking! The cost idea is reasonable, but I absolutely adore the special materials idea.

Overuse of RNG has been my personal pet peeve with Conan Exiles and it drives me nuts when people refuse to discuss any alternatives other than “moar RNG”. Your reply made my day :smiley:


I’m more for them reducing the cost of delving back to 20 bars vs 50, and increasing the odds of success. Also, you can delve prior to lvl 60. DE is lootable without going into a vault as well now. One could use the same argument that using delved weapons and armor is not meant to be endgame, just like ambrosia.

Ps, I miss ambrosia as a heal…

That would work too. I’d just like to see some more balance between the two so both are somewhat viable. And no, while you can Delve pre-60, the high-cost version of each weapon is end-game of course. They need the weapon handle that you can only craft at 60. There is the low cost version for leveling, which i think is pretty nice but is an outdated concept, from before all Elder Vaults got buffed to end-game difficulty.

@Codemage Glad I could finally express my idea correctly ^^

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Poison is king. Eldarium weapons have better stats than any other weapons and can’t be treated with Reaper poison. But Feroxic not only has good stats, not only gives attribute bonus but also poisons with every hit - it is superior to any other Eldarium weapon by a mile.
True for both PvP and PvE (Unless you go against undead bosses ofc)

That’s the thing, overall damage is on par with any other weapons of this category

Venomdrenched Gladius. For a one-handed weapon, it’s an absolute beast and outclasses feroxic weapons easily :slight_smile:

That’s only if you like the short sword gameplay ^^ IMHO I’d rather have slower fights than suffer doing that

Voidforge gladius is king on single targets yes. My other weapons of choice is Katana and 2h axes. Ferox is allright, easy and cheap to get.
I get Op’s point, lowering delved cost and rng would be most welcome.
I’ve been going for 1 recepie there with several thousand eldarium spent and not got what i wanted. But on the pluss side, i have 3 chests of allready known recipes to rejoice over…

I have never found a single Feroxic weapon or recipe, ever.
Are you sure they’re as simple and easy to find as you think?

I think to counter the different buffs of weapons…ie bleed or poison every hit, armors should have built in resistance buffs for complete sets…that way a player could tactically counter and a sort of chess load out is created. Just spaghetti wall thought.