This text refers to almost 4 months without updates in the game, which should not happen!
I think you should think about mechanics that are easy to update, I once suggested a “Heroes / Champions” system already following the “Arena Champion” logic if you had a well thought out “Champions” system, where they really went Well-differentiated, unique NPCs, with unique armor of each champion, hair, body, even private parts, very unique and differentiated, breasts, vagina, penis, hair … just different from the NPCs in the game with “fixed” looks that Champion it has that look, a masculine and a feminine look, since the intention is that you want that character, it’s kind of like me trying to “enslave” Conan in the cabaret, I wanted that character and not a random species of Conan, this random logistics already exists in common slaves, and a little “bigger” following the size of the “Champion of the Arena” you could easily make additions in the game and thus create dozens of champions all with male and female versions, to conquer is it you would have to defeat that champion about 5 times and so with 5 “souls” forge your “champion slave” they could also have a little more life, Eri has 6,000 champions could have 10,000 life and come with 40 of strength since Lian comes with 30, the champions could also “launch works” since it is something that already exists, some slaves in the volcano already launch works of fire, in other words, the mechanics already exist, so there could be a "Champion of the Volcano “casting fire, a” Champion of Ice “casting ice, which would cause a slight slowness in the area, a Champion of the Jungle casting fire, as well as several other Champions could be added, a” Cimmerian Champion ", a Champion of the city of Supremeru, a Champion of “Realizes Lmuriana”, it would look beautiful a “Champion King or Queen” depending on the ■■■ that the person chooses when joining the 5 souls to forge their slave Champion ".
See how simple it is to have things in the game that you can easily add new, cool and interesting, without even having to create dungeons, just add them in the area of the game itself, every place in the game has a little bit not countable as I mentioned above.
If during these 4 months the team had added “Champions to be conquered” I would not be feeling abandoned by the game, on the contrary I would be excited to know which is the next Champion to arrive, and just see how difficult it is to create 1 character, a small one team could do that, and for us it would be an “amazing thing to do”.
Now they just don’t do it like they did with the T4 slaves that none of them have a penis, this must be a bug in the game but they are all caught, I don’t know why and it looks horrible.
So everything is ready, simple mechanics, easy to execute, extremely popular and with high acceptance and participation, it would add a lot of gameplay and “what to do in the long term” since each champion people would need to “defeat him” 5 times "this multiplies the playing time in this mechanic by 5, especially when there are 20 30 40 champions.
Still on this subject, you can monetize this too, the DLCs already in play are already well worn, see that I want to have a different DLC like that of the horses sold a lot, so imagine a DLC with armor for Champions, or be an addition to new DLCs, because I see that today you need to make DLCs more and more elaborate and with great content, because the formula of ‘construction blocks’ is already more worn out.
Big hug to everyone and WORK A LOT, because the game needs it!