New old player and dungeons

Played classic a lot. Tried legends a little a year or two ago but am back seriously. My biggest issue seems to be getting into dungeons. When I take the mission, I just cant find a groups. Was thinking I would try the e1 lvl.

Any thoughts on getting into dungeons? Thxs in advance.

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I have been unsuccessful in getting into any group content except for one dungeon on my moving through all the content rigorously up through Carpathian Fangs so far. I imagine I’ll just finish up the single player content then do all the dungeons at the end one after the other.



Really given the age of the game reliable random dungeon groups through the activity finder are rare. Most group content is either run within cabals or advertised in Agartha on the looking for group channel. What I would advice for a guarantee of running dungeons is to check out the sustain tanking guide in the orochi labs section of these forums, slap together a sustain tanking build and look for 4 dps for E1 dungeons. This is a bit of prep work but most of the time the issue is not having enough tanks but finding dps willing to run E1+ is generally easy. Even better is joining a cabal first so you can practice sustain tanking with a more forgiving group of players.


Totally good advice, which I am working toward at the moment. Used to play heals all of the time on tSW and when SWL was fresh out, but have had to adapt to the current working population.

@mmurray8 the good thing is if you aim for the flexibility path described in [Guide] Sustain-tanking for anyone - #179 by Szalord then you are still super good for DPS…

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Exactly what I did on one character. Finally solo’d The Slaughterhouse story mode yesterday, so even a slacky player like me can achieve it with the right build…

Edit - Have to admit it is more fun in a group though, and I haven’t attempted any Elite content.

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Thxs for the suggestions. I will try exactly that .Looking at the forum now.

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