New player seeking active Cabal

Hello, I’ve never played Secret World before but I believe I’m learning quickly. I would like to find a small to medium size active Cabal to join.

I’m mainly looking for some people to chat with now and then/socialize/ask questions etc. I like grouping with people and I want to learn more about the game too. I really dislike always soloing and feeling like I don’t know anyone in an MMO. Yet, I’m mostly an introvert… so yeah, its difficult.

I already know of some of the more popular Cabals but I’m not sure if they would be the best fit for me since I tend to end up keeping to myself in larger communities. An active cabal of 15-20 active members or less would probably work out best for me, I think.

I will also say up front that I’ve played a lot of MMO’s over the years and I’ve never been a fan of having to sign up to a forum and fill out an application just for a guild/cabal to consider recruiting me. I’m a respectful, friendly player looking for the same, but I’m not really much of a forum user so if we can skip the forum application and just have an interview in game (discord works too), that would be much preferred. Thanks!

Legio Fulminata is also recruiting

You can contact Minks or Michahel in game.