New update Age of War and the thralls nerf!

It’s very strange and lacks logics. I play on the official server (no mods, vanilla settings) with the IoS. We can get some Thralls from the cages there - mostly Exile faction, they were not worth getting except some bearers to begin with. I’ve got one Shemite Bearer III just looking nice, put her on guard and forgot about her. There are Stygian Invaders as well - they were better than Exiles and Pirates. I’ve got Invaders Bearer III and took her with me while I gathered stone and wood. She levelled to lvl 6. I logged in after the update and was just shocked: Exile Bearer III lvl 0 now has 1800+ HP and Invaders Bearer III lvl 6 has only 1600+ HP! It doesn’t make sense to me. Are Invaders lower than Exiles now?

Or Funcom can just back off and leave thralls alone? They already suffered a 50% nerf with AoS but their justification at the time was understandable with authority’s introduction. What is the solid justification to nerf them again especially RHTS which are now worthless and pets are even worse?

A 50% nerf would leave the best thrall at ~400health. Not thousands. Your thralls aren’t truly nerfed until they lose their ability to level and have less health than they did in 2017. Which won’t ever happen.

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You’ll have to replace them all. That’s the whole point.

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You know as well as I that we all have our favorite thralls. I don’t just knock out every thrall I find for meta purposes. There’s some really nice RHTS that I would have a hard time replacing. It’s like my Deirdre Deathbringer. I have her in my collection of thralls because she’s the prettiest Exile, not because she’s good. Are we really gonna relegate my other thralls to Deirdre status? :roll_eyes:


I wasn’t disagreeing, @jmk1999 . I was just pointing out my theory about the real reason behind this nerf. It’s one among many changes aimed to make people spend more time playing.


Outside of bringing loot back to my base, there still isn’t a reason to keep playing. Now my legendary weapons can’t be repaired. I’m less inclined to want to venture out and do stuff cos i can’t repair them. It was a very unnecessary change.

Eventually i will stop playing when my progress isn’t permanent. This isn’t a MMO. I stopped playing MMOs for that reason. I’m max level, i have best gear, best biggest castle, I’m a living god on the server. And i prefer to keep it that way.


So which thralls are worth keeping now?

You keep referring to 2017 as some sort of gauge point for thralls today but this is just silly. It is all relative and dependent on things like the hp of players and NPCs as well as the damage being done at the time which is much different than it is today.

Heck, in early 2017 thralls could not even follow us, we could not gear them and we could not even climb at the time. :astonished:

Please stop comparing current thrall nerfs with what we had in 2017 as it is not even apples and oranges, it is apples and snakes.

You can beat the Arena champion without using a thrall, making use of a perk from grit that won’t allow you to receive more damage than 25% of your health. You can have 200 health and beat her.
When i get to arena champion I tell my thrall: “Hold my beer” :rofl:

I constructed an army of Oyvind Tall-Tree’s

I was going to test them out, but I am restricted from entering the server. I hope they are ok. He was a beast each time I took him out, and I only ever lost one, and that was to the reaper queen after I disconnected.

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I had a few videos toying with her with a truncheon and then killing her with a mace, with no armor on. The AC is very easy to a player, but deadly to thralls.

Yeah, the thralls are absolute trash now. I was just in the glaciers and an invisible Avalanche just 1 tapped my thrall. I didn’t even get a chance to react. I know they’re supposed to hit hard, but they shouldn’t just be able to kill your thralls in 1 hit. It’s already BS that they’re invisible for some dumb reason, and their 1-tap BS makes it worse. All you see are their eyes once you get attacked out of nowhere by them. Levelling up a thrall for it to get killed in 1 hit by an Avalanche and melted by other random 1 skull bosses cant be the experience funcom intend for us players surely? It makes you not want to you level thralls

I have one of him on Siptah official server still has over 7000 Hp with out great armor got him from a jailers cage best thrall I’ve gotten from one. @Hexsing

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@sestus2009 Happy to say that my collection of Tall-Trees still remain rythmic murder machines. And I could not be happier. Best thrall army I have ever created. Perfect for pretty much all my adventures. Unnamed City is a breeze.

I have 25 or so.

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I very pessimistic on the thrall nerfs at first. But it’s no that bad considering you can no longer just AFK during fights and let the thrall fight and do it all. With the nerf to Enemy HP and boss HP, sure your thrall is Gonna take damage now. But it’s not critical level where it’s like it’s impossible. I’m downing croc bosses quicker than my thrall takes 20% damage so.

And if you use the 20 authority perk on strong thralls they get even stronger, especially pets with the Huge HP increase they got with the hotfix. I got Sand Reaper Queens now with 7000HP.


I took him and Dalinsia out yesterday and went through a bunch of undead dogs and one of the 3 Skull guys blue guys II took less damage and we killed them faster than the day before

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Think the hp nerf on thralls is more of a pvp thing. Too many folk were hiding behind zerkers with 5k hp.

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