Nice article review for 2022 from bluntlyhonestreviews

Except even while this is such a convoluted and drawn out process of fighting bosses, crafting Tablets of power, trekking across the map to do this, SEVERAL TIMES… just to unlock the DLC?
It’s ridiculous. And no, there aren’t tons of points “left over” once you hit lvl 60. All the points are gone, with MANY DLC ITEMS LOCKED STILL. So the “solution” is to go grind it out repeatedly like a mindless Zombie for fragments of nonsense, just to get my DLC that I’ve ALREADY paid for…

After a lot of wasted time and effort one has to ask the question, why am I being messed around like this?

One thing I’m suspicious about, is how this “review” - FAQ fails to mention all the bugs and bad design choices, that have been in the game all these years, since launch, despite the team allegedly “fixing” them and stating so, officially in the forums, here, just before closing the threads, but then the bugs not actually being fixed.

One such example, which has given me nothing but a raging headache for a few days now, is the server settings not actually being applied to the game. This was allegedly “fixed” in a hotfix back in 2019, but still seems to be apparent now, in 2022.


The amount of restarts I’ve had to do with this game. The amount of googling required, just to figure stuff out how to play it but mainly how to fix the broken game is unbelievable. One “workaround” I saw someone suggest here was to back up your game.db in the root directory, then restart a new game (wiping your current progress but for the back up you made), make the server setting changes then finalize your new character, remembering to make sure your server is offline before you finalize, then exit game, restore your back up file, and start game again. This gets very old and irritating after a few attempts which fail to work every time.

Why am I trying to fix this? I won’t be spending any more money on this company in the state it’s currently in.