Nightmare in the Dream Palace - Akhenaten Fight Bug

I just wanted to pop in and give a heads up about this bug that I encountered when fighting Akhenaten during the main quest. I was running Ele/Blood and I had my Living Flame accompany me during the fight and would end up taking the death blows for me, which prevented me from being able to die. I could still activate the statues for the buffs, but the greyscale screen would not show up and my Living Flame would resurrect upon statue activation. Once I finished the fight, I would continue to be stuck in the boss room with no way to continue. The only way I found to progress was to do the fight sans Living Flame from the beginning.

I have no idea if this happens during the real Akhenaten fight but I would be cautious as I think it’s connected to the “Death Awaits” mechanic. I would also be cautious of using the blood minion as well, just to be safe!

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That’s a little unfortunate, but i can see how it was overlooked in all the other “this attack shouldn’t target living flame” exceptions…

Indeed, especially if it’s only a problem in that one mission and not the original fight. I’m also just a magnet for weird bugs in most of the games I play so I’m not surprised this happened to me. :joy:

I’d think its both. Living Flame keeps attracting random attacks xD and a lot of them were already dealt with during testing lol

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