No knock back shot instead of armorpen!

For some foolish reason the 4th perk in Accuracy seems to be about to be changed from 30% more Armorpen to a knock back bowshot… I think that’s a pvp-gankperk that holds no value in PvE, replacing one of the few perks that actually make your character more powerful outside the Strength skills, no matter in what mode you played.

I actually liked the Idea of :" It doesn’t only matter how hard you hit, but also how precise or accurate your blows are." It just gave more build diversity. Why take that away?

How about changing one of the many perks that no players ever build towards because they barely have an effect on the build instead of a useful one?


true thy chance and patch things that dont need to be patch like rolling/dogging just because some wimp complained about it

well If you choose your attributes on :
4 strength and 4 accuracy
You have 30% penetration what means your super over powered against evey enemy …
It’s quite cool but even 0 balanced …
I guess that’s one of the reasons why they change it …
Also is accuracy quite easy to play : just run to your enemy and spam the light shot and you gonna win every fight …

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I prefer the throwing axes and Javelins. Bows, at least to me, are boring to play with. 30% is quite high, yes. Could be lower and still would be good. I play the game on “barbaric” and not on a “feelgood-convenience-settings-server”. I need all the damage I can get, mainly because I barly use thralls, since they basically play the game for you so I need to be somewhat diverse to survive… this perk just made building more fun since most perks feel useless in this game…

Change useless perks, but not useful perks…

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