Not receiving daily xp multipliers

Platform: PlayStation 4
Issue Type: Battle Pass
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: =SERVER NAME=

Bug Description:

Not getting daily XP multipliers despite logging in and playing.

Bug Reproduction:

I’ve been playing for the last ten days and have noticed I only got a few xp multipliers over the course of it, not getting full 5 xp multipliers or some days I log in and don’t have any new xp multipliers. Same thing happened today, logged in but no new xp multipliers, very discouraging

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Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Battle Pass
Game Mode: Multi-Player
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 3760

This just happened to me. When I logged on today, I had no new XP multipliers. Any word on a fix?

I havent heard of a fix yet, some suggestions but nothing worked. It has been five full days with no new xp multipliers for me. Funcom hasn’t responded but i know this is happening on console.

Up until a few days ago I had multipliers added daily…

The last two recieved nothing

I am in the same boat with no xp multipliers for the past few days. FUNCOM has a lot of issues to fix with this battle pass. I am sure it is going to be extended for the time until they can work out all the bugs.

Same issue here. PS5 Platform. Private PvE server named “Chaos Theory.”

Seems to be intermittent issue… a week or so ago, exp bonus didn’t refresh for two comsecutive days. This week hasn’t refreshed for three days, not sure about today yet.

I’m wondering if this issue is linked to admin mode - spawning in critters and/or items? Seems like it fails to refresh in the days subsequent to when I hop in and out of Admin mode… Any one else notice that trend? Are we supposed to get locked out for a particular time after using Admin mode? If so that is some fine print I missed.



Same thing on PC/Windows 11, last 3 or 4 days have got no XP multipliers.

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