Numbing wrap and bandages bugged

Game mode: [Online | Mulit-player]
Problem: [ Bug ]
Region: [Here]

Numbing wraps and bandage both are now bugged thanks to the new update. I tried to use them after i got hurt. Happens next is the bug, it throws up a cripple status and stops healing even when i am not bleeding. Please fix this because now my bandages and numbing wraps are completely useless along with my lifeblood spear. Everything to heal with is breaking in the same week this is horrible.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

P.S. Please leave the food alone

From what i read i believe this is intended. It suppose to auto stop bleeding but give a small cripple debuff ir something. Read the patch notes from today

So you are saying that they do not heal any?

@agfike Hello there imo there is alot of healing option: aloe soup, combo haunch (or any other food) + herbal tea, healing arrows (off combat off course) don’t limit yourself with only 1 or 2 healing option (maybe work less than before but i think the lifeblood spearwork as intended)…got to be creative don’t limit yourself…always have plan b-c-d hehehe be strong and keepOnGaming

That why i added this part about the food thank you tho :wink:

Could I please get an official response on this I really would like to know if this was intended or a bug thank you

The bandages do now need to be used first to stop the bleeding and then after waiting a moment you can continue to stack a potion and food etc to heal. The bandages will cripple you even if you apply them with full health and no bleeding. (I used it accidently)
During a fight you would not want to quickly pop potions and then bandage as it will stop all other heals.

Hello @agfike, thank you for reaching out!

We’re already aware of the current issue with bandages, per design they should apply the cripple, remove the bleed status and proceed with healing the player.

It should be fixed in an upcoming update!

As far as I know the lifeblood spear is glitched and they are working on it.

@hugo Thank you so much for the response i know i been little negative since the lifeblood but this has erased some of my healing stress thank you :smiley: for the information.

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