Offical server #1200

**Game mode: Online official
**Type of issue: Crash/Bug/Performance/Misc
Server type: PVP
Region: EU

Can’t connect for the second day in a row. I used to play on this server for 8 months ago as well… And it had problems back then as well. Then it used to crash all the time, but it always came back. After what I’ve learned back then it was to duplicate items. So this server should been wiped clean and restarted.

But the problem that needs attention right away is the connection issue. I was able to connect 1 time in 2 whole days, and then I noticed my slave wheel havent had progress at all. So the server havent been really online, even I see it online in server list.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Connect to the server
  2. Connect to the server
  3. Connect to the server
  4. Connect to the server

Don’t let these kind of stupid bugs ruin this awesome game!

And I’ve tried on 2 other steam-accounts, on 3 other computers. And clean Install. Check router, and ports…

Hey @Aegea

Welcome to our community.
Unfortunately, server 1200 is experiencing some player-triggered issues that will be addressed with Monday’s patch. Apologies for the frustration.

Why don’t wipe the server clean. Not characters, but the buildings and loot? You can easily check all the glitches used on the server. I’m guessing the undermeshed base are still there, and some people have more dragonpowder then they can have farmed on their own. I have over 1000 hours on this server and I know its messed up. Unfortunaly my IRL-friends just started their Conan-Experience so I recreated my char and joined them here, hoping the server was fixed. I’m REALLY dissapointed the server havent been fixed. I think you(Funcom) should have used 1 guy checking the offical servers now and then, for undermeshers and dupers. Its weird how your not doing more towards these issues, when you KNOW they are here.

I’m hoping the problems are fixed on monday. Cause its a AWESOME game, that get bad cause of exploits and bugs…

if funcom was wiping the servers everytime a new game breaking issue was discovered, we would have spent most of our time in the stone age.

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True, BUT in this particulary server I KNOW some clans sit on insanse amounts duped items. Thats a little worse imo then other game breaking issues. And there are other servers like 1102, where 2 clans “owns” the server, nobody will start a new char there. Except new people who will eventual get a BAD start and maybe never play again. So wiping some server(especially low pop-servers) will help in MANY cases.

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Now it has been 5 days me and my mates havent been able to connect to this server. But it has people playing on it. So the people playing there, makes sure the rest cant connect? Why arent these people banned? Why are these people more important then the people who want to play this game fairly? This is getting stupid! So the honest people need to wait for a patch, that should have been rushed as soon as the server was unplayeble!

1588 down again…

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This is getting stupid… Monday is soon up, when is the patch coming?

@Ignasi Where is the patch??? Not long for im giving up this game. This is getting stupid! Please answer why my friends and me have to wait? When the exploiters dont have to wait. Why arent they getting banned? Their only intention is messing up the servers… It have happened to a lot of servers, not only 1200.

1588 is dead again :confused: been dead for a while, put in report through GPortal but they clearly don’t care.

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Apologies for the frustration. We’re patching this vulnerability today.

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@Ignasi was this posted before or after the tweet? Is this coming today? And WHEN? I’m really tired of trying to connect to a dead server(WITH players on it)!

What tweet?

The patch is coming out today.

In a few minutes

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I read a tweet about you guys delaying the patch. I got the patch now, but I still dont get #1200 up on my list… So I’ve tried everything on you list of tips. But I’m trying a clean install once more. But if this doesnt work, I cant be bothered to try anymore.

@Ignasi Still messed up. Don’t even see #1200 in my server list. Tried all fixed I could find. Even a fresh clean install. So for me this patch didnt fix a thing. So I’m guessing thats that. I sincerly hope you fix this game soon. Cause it’s a awesome game, that deserves to work, wich it doesn’t.

I hope you can tag me when this game is fixed, in mean time ill play other games… I have been wasting almost a whole week waiting for a patch that dont work. But please make sure the glitchers and exploiters having a nice time ON the server, while others who play fair dont get to play!

@Ignasi BUT IT IS NOT FIXED!!! If you(Funcom) can’t comprehend that after all this posts, there is litterly no hope at all anymore!

But please close this thread. Im out anyway!

Hey @Aegea

Server 1200 is up and running correctly (20 players at the moment of this writing) and not crashing anymore. If there is still an issue with it not showing in your server list, please try to flush your router’s DNS.