Due to possible lag, Thralls do not attack when they are given the order, or they attack very late. The worst thing is when you draw aggro, the Thralls stay in one place, no matter how many times they receive the attack order, they do not move. Only when they receive damage from an opponent do they attack once or twice. If you move further away, they continue to attack, but it often happens that they do not strike and stand facing the opponent like a still image. Running away until the Thrall is teleported works, with luck the attack works, with bad luck the game starts again from the beginning.
I am on 1036 as well. Whenever there are more than 10 people online, this happens to me as well. Seems that that is the curse of being on a popular server on GPortal hardware.
If you get on at a low time with 5-8 players, everything works fine
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