Official admin password hacked?

Is it true someone has hacked admin password and is randomly deleting peoples stuff on officials?

If so, change password?

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If it is, would you expect anyone from Funcom to verify this? :thinking: If they are not from Funcom, would you actually believe their unverifiable claims? :thinking: I am honestly wondering what the purpose of this question even is. :woman_shrugging:


Except that if the Password was hacking once, the simple fact of changing it will give nothing without changing the security procedures relating to the access of the administrator panel.
In addition, it is quite possible that the ill -chaveling people who have cheated in using means other than the simple hack of the Password .


I’ve seen a few weird clips on the home screen feed, but nothing like what PC is dealing with.

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If it’s on Xbox, report it to Microsoft and let them deal with it.


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