Official pvp Server 2118 BROKEN

Game mode: [Online
Problem: [Crash
Region: EU

Official server 2118 is broken. Lost connection to host. Been trying to get back in for 30-45minutes now and no luck!

Both my tribe members are unable to find server on list.

Was in a party with around 10 players saying they cannot log into the server either

Pending Connection Failure
Could not connect to server, your connection to the hist has been lost.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

Hello @Johnbe21, welcome to the forums!

The server has experienced a few crashes on the 14th but seems to have stabilized over the weekend, we’ll be sure to monitor it for any possible issues.

Are you able to play without interruption at this time? At this time of writing, there are 16 players on and there have been no crashes in over 24 hours.

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