Official Server 3734 Crashes

Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Server connection
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 3734

This server is frequently crashing and stays down for almost an hour every week during peak playing hours. (Just before 5pm). I have submitted a ticket each time just to keep tabs more or less at this point. This server displays a ping of 9999 and drops to the bottom of the server list at a concerning rate. I am afraid I am beginning to lose confidence in this particular server host.

Official server 305 PVE-C to and more servers;/

Greetings Exiles,

Please follow the stated in the Official servers guidelines to submit a ticket. Make sure to select “Official server performance” as the issue type:

You can read the full version of the Guidelines here: