Official server #6436 Decay timer glitch (?)

Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE
Region: America

Decay timers on official server #6436 appear to have moved forward or been arbitrarily reset to different (lower) numbers in the last 24h, possibly on server reset. As a result, every Convergence Trap on the map has decayed, a number of players’ bases have decayed, and many other players’ bases are significantly below the decay time that they had as of yesterday. I personally had updated all my bases’ decay timers to 168h yesterday (including my Convergence Trap), but today my Convergence Trap was in red decay and was demo’d by another player, and another of my bases was at 21h until red decay. I saw several bases at under 2 days that I cannot confirm should have been higher, but I’m fairly certain their players have been on w/in that period. Other players had reported seeing a high number of low-decay-timer bases or having demo’d bases in red decay.

I know this is not a great bug report, but there’s really no good way to report it beyond the above, and no way I can describe to replicate it, as it appeared to be entirely server-side.

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