Official server 4030 has been down 9 plues days put tickets in and no reply just marked as solved
Gportal know saying they cant even see it on there end.
Official server 4030 has been down 9 plues days put tickets in and no reply just marked as solved
Gportal know saying they cant even see it on there end.
I need help with this issues bc tickets are not helping
@Community - Can we get some guidance for this player on next steps? Or a tap on the shoulder to the Zendesk operational folks?
Gportal says they cant even see it on there end
Hi @Kawest1
I’ve passed this information over to G-Portal. Hopefully they will be able to help out with this server.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Thank you all hope they can figure it out because when i messaged Gportal they said they dont even see it on there list witch is so wrong. We have so many hour building that nice ship and the community live thing plues all stuff we spent looting bases watch the video its amazen drop a like follow once again thank u all for help hope thwy can get it up and running
Now after this update 4050 is gone official server
Servers will “disappear” from your ability to navigate to them in the launcher if the server version is in mismatch with the game client version.
It would seem that Funcom JUST put down their hotfix patch. But with no notice and no notes. That would make your server mismatch. It may require action on the server side to get the patch installed.
I appreciate that you guys got this fixed and server know running. Thank you. For you help and support.
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