Official Server ( PC ) EU-PVP #1130 is crashing every times!

Hello, since more than a week now, the Official server EU-PVP #1130 is crashing every day, at any time, and that for many hours. It becomes more and more annoying. Yesterday the server was impossible to join and that from 9pm to 5am! And that happens anytime, during a raid during a purge, while we are cutting wood or whatever! It’s crazy!

It is impossible to play, and if so, the wildlife has already devoured you, when it is not a player who reconnects by chance and loot your stuff, because you could not reconnect and take shelter, etc etc etc.

And do we have information from FUNCOM or G-Portal? !! NOTHING !

Is this a problem inherent to the game ?? Or to the servers? Nothing communication from you! It’s shameful of you in 2019 . What is the point of buying a game / and / or / its dlc that you can not play?

We will lose everything because of the decay? And all the time is investing ??

Should we go on a stable game type ARK or the Forest or other in order to play a survival/pvp game ???

We need answers ! Thx a lot ! Do something , or be ready to lose players again !

Skhald .



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+1 evri day the same ! offline for now


5 minutes worked, then died again.

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And again ! Server up at 20h14 … down at 21h00 !!

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22:02 Down again !!!


Same thing here official server EU-PVP #1130 seems online but impossible to connect it

Dear developers!!! Dip your gaze from Olympus to mortals and try to answer the question in the topic.

Multiple times, everyday for the past week. Roughly around the same times also. I keep reporting it ingame but doesn’t seem to do anything or go anywhere.

And Again !!

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And again today

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so the new day come and server still not fixed ! gj Funcom

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Down again, it was UP for a solid 50 minutes!

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Dear developers!!! Are you kidding us?

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devs need only your money ! u pay money for product that not work ok ! thank god i do not buy conan strategi game !

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Agaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin -_-


Another crash … and no answer …

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Hell I even buy something from your company with this attitude to people.

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and down again… it was up for 1 hour again, nice!

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the fix comes on monday. people crashing our server now for 3 weeks!

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