Oficial server #3026 EU has disappear again

Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [Here]

[Free text]
Just like last week the server 3026 pve does not appear in the list of servers, nor looking for it by its number. Funcom or g-portal, do not you feel embarrassed?

Steps on how to reproduce issue:


Use Is your server unavailable? Use our report tool! to report official server issues :wink:


Thank you, i’ve sent about five reports since 2:00 pm so far, but it seems that they do not pay attention


Also stil waiting also on a reply from the developers all day long and yes I keep complaining until the fix it because ps4 sucks in survival games and this one I like and this will destroy my love for the game that what I don’t want and this will do it also for a lot players the don’t spent there time on the form

Sigh, is this going to be every weekend now.


Yes, weekends are not workdays for anyone but those who have those jobs or law established.

I’m sorry, but having at max. 3 days of patience will have to be worth it - I hope for y’all that it gets fixed asap :slight_smile:

And servers 3026, 3027 and 3028 have all gone offline again. Seems weird that all 3 seem to go off together most of the time (that I’ve noticed).

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Servers are in a sort of clusters. I’m not an expert though, so I can’t really explain that.

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