Once again Funcom has failed, im so done with your game!

Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvP
Region: EU
Mods?: No
Edition: Steam

Bug Description:

Today on Official PVP server 6000 we got raided by some guys who could just jump over all our FENCES ???
I dont know how, but somehow they could do it. I saw it on their stream. They got god mode activated or something apparantly.

Look here: Twitch at 1:20:00 you can see it.

Im so done with all these bugs, you Funcom wont fix.
And all the lag.
The game is **** because of this, Im sorry to say.
I got over 3k hours in the game and love it, but this completely ruins the game.
Goodbye forever Conan.Twitch

You do realize that with how those fences are placed it’s not even a bug to hop them, right? It’s not cheating, he’s just better at climbing than you are at making anticlimb. You basically built him a staircase up and you’re blaming the game lol

EDIT: watching more he’s very clearly still taking damage so hes absolutely not cheating. You can fence hop, it just stops climbing but not hopping over.

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Take a look at the last perk and that might help you rethink your base design.

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They did change on how fencing works before you couldnt climb over from one foundation height. Now you can climb over any fencing even if your below it. This is a bug they did create with one of the updates. The double jump is a skill.

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At any rate, you can clearly see the OP’s clan doing the exact same thing @01:38 so they must have known that the way they built their base that it was easily accessible. Both the raiding clan and the defending clan are jumping over the fencing.


Actually the roof caps made it Hoppable. Never put anticlimb closer than 2 (3 to be really safe) foundations apart vertically. Always been my motto.


Its clearly a bug. After some research I find out it has been a thing for 2 months. Funcom just doesnt care as usual.

I just tested it in singleplayer, I cant get it to work. Try yourself ?

Thats another clan helping us. My clan was offline…
They told me after that this has been a thing for 2 months…

Did you have the double jump?

They said on the stream “nice base” and “Funcom broke it” about the simple jump they were doing. However, all those roof tops do make it jumpable, like @biggcane55 says. Dang, that was a nice setup.

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Yep, but forgot about collision boxes of rooftops. invisible area where the player seems to be gett8ngvgood at jumping fr9m in video. It beats my clans human totem pole technique lol.

You can as well jump above them when u move your camera around and watch your characters face sorta. Don’t need double jump for that either.

Bad base design is all

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