Outback Exiles AU/Age of Calamitous/PVE/RP/18+ (Mods)


Myself and a few friends have a server running that we’ve been looking for others to join in with us.

Server Info
Location: Oceanic
-Purges are on a long timer with an easy difficulty to give time to level up and build defences.

Mods: Age of Calamitous
River Boats of the Exiled Lands
Pippi Server Management
Beyond Theatrics
Aquilonian Passion Body
High Heel System
Pythagoras + Pythagoras support beams
Better Thralls
Warrior Mutator
Thrall War Decorations
(We change and add mods often and are open to trying others)

Role Play:
Use global chat for OOC/Meta chat
Use Local chat for RP chat
-Starter Story: All characters came here as persons sent to serve your chosen faction.
-Story based PVP: If agreed to by both parties and for story purposes PvP will be activated.

Link can be found on server. (Listed in rules and MOTD)
-No Mic required
-Please give feed back or request admin help via discord

IF your looking for a server to play on please feel free to join us.

Thanks all!.