Edit: If you read this when I initially posted it last night, please note that today I did extended testing with no mods and the issue persists even when there are no mods and the files have been verified locally.
Game mode: Online private
Type of issue: Crash
Server type: PvE
Region: North America
Mods?: Yes
Edition: Steam
Bug Description:
Please note that I’ve used this same PC to play Conan in the past and the issue that I face today is rather new. I started playing Conan Exiles after a long break somewhere around May of this year. Within the first week of playing, however, I crashed out of the game with an error saying “Pak file corrupt”.
It was at that time that I discovered that the only way to get back into the game from here is to right click the game in Steam and verify local files. However, within a couple of days, I would randomly get this error again and I would need to run the process again. It never says anything needed fixed. It just finishes and then everything is fine. Until the next crash, whenever that may be.
Now the role I play is server admin, so I have about a dozen other people that I play with off and on over the last two years. Nobody else on this server is having any issue of this kind. I am the only person crashing out like this. And in the past two months, it has gotten MUCH worse. Roughly once per hour. Today, I have had to verify my local files 7 times.
What have I done? Well, first, I researched the issue and the steps I took went in the following order, each step being tested and pak file error persisting after.
Verify local files, unload all mods and teleport around for about ten minutes (caused crash).
Try to update all drivers.
Try to reinstall all drivers.
Try switching which drive CE is installed on.
Try reinstalling CE.
Reformat Windows entirely. (Really thought this was the last straw but no)
Re-seat RAM sticks
Run memory test (passed)
Run DXDiag (no issues found) *
Flashed the BIOS to update it.
Try reinstalling all chipset and GPU drivers again.
Ran MSched.exe, no issues found
- I did have a BSOD right after a pak file error yesterday (for the first time) that, when analyzed, pointed to dx12 crashing. Hence the impetus to flash the bios. I don’t get BSOD’s often though.
It does not seem like there’s anything specific that I’m doing which causes this error. Although it seems less common while I’m just building in one place. Once I have a thrall in tow and I start running around or using map rooms, it’s chances go up significantly.
My suspicion is that there’s a particular conflict with a hardware driver or something. System specs.
Device name | DESKTOP-558G7MH |
Processor | Intel(R) Core™ i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz |
Installed RAM | 32.0 GB |
System type | 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor |
Edition | Windows 10 Pro |
Version | 21H1 |
Installed on | 6/29/2021 |
OS build | 19043.1165 |
Experience | Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3530.0 |
I have log files from the point at which the error happens. Here’s a snippet but I can offer the whole thing if required.
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:120][933]Performance:Display: [BP_ConanWorldComposition_C_0] World Composition Update:
-STREAMING POSITION: X=-47618.094 Y=274800.438 Z=-20549.344 (from player #0 () player viewpoint) [REMOVED]
+STREAMING POSITION: X=-308288.000 Y=314140.000 Z=-20870.000 (from player #0 () overriden streaming location) [ADDED]
=STREAMING POSITION: X=-47618.094 Y=274800.438 Z=-20549.344 (from extra streaming position)
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:124][933]LogEngine: BlockTillLevelStreamingCompleted: 2
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:125][933]ConanSandbox: UConanGameInstance::OnLoginStatusChanged: LoggedIn
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:125][933]LogDataMiningUserTracker:Display: LoginStatusChanged: 0 => 2, LocalUserNum: 0, NewId: --redacted–
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:132][933]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x0_y0.uasset”
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:132][933]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x0_y1.uasset”
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:132][933]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x0_y0.uasset”
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:132][933]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x1_y0.uasset”
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:132][933]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x0_y1.uasset”
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:132][933]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x1_y1.uasset”
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:133][933]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Cinematics/Cinematic_x0_y0.uasset”
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:134][934]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x1_y1.uasset”
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:134][934]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Cinematics/Cinematic_x0_y0.uasset”
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:135][934]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x1_y0.uasset”
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:135][934]Streaming:Display: Waiting for streaming completed (CC, load)
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:179][934]LogLevelActorContainer: Created LevelActorCluster (240) for /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox_SOUND.ConanSandbox_SOUND:PersistentLevel with 12 objects, 0 referenced clusters and 3 mutable objects.
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:189][934]LogLevelActorContainer: Created LevelActorCluster (241) for /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x0_y0.heightmap_x0_y0:PersistentLevel with 165 objects, 36 referenced clusters and 168 mutable objects.
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:190][934]LogLevelActorContainer: Created LevelActorCluster (242) for /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x0_y1.heightmap_x0_y1:PersistentLevel with 155 objects, 36 referenced clusters and 199 mutable objects.
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:191][934]LogLevelActorContainer: Created LevelActorCluster (243) for /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x1_y0.heightmap_x1_y0:PersistentLevel with 177 objects, 36 referenced clusters and 199 mutable objects.
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:192][934]LogLevelActorContainer: Created LevelActorCluster (244) for /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x1_y1.heightmap_x1_y1:PersistentLevel with 131 objects, 36 referenced clusters and 195 mutable objects.
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:193][934]LogEngine: BlockTillLevelStreamingCompleted: 3
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:193][934]Audio:Display: [ConanSandbox_C_0] Environment audio level loaded.
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:200][935]Streaming:Display: Waiting for streaming completed (CC, NPC asyncloads)
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:224][936]LogSlate: Took 0.004053 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font ‘…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Slate/GLC_-_1350PrimitiveRussian_0_Default.ufont’ (191K)
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:228][936]LogSlate: Took 0.003314 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font ‘…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Slate/Posterizer_KG_-_MYWAY_0_Default.ufont’ (540K)
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:266][937]Streaming:Display: Waiting for streaming completed (CC): Done.
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:266][937]GUI:Display: C:\B\tech_exiles\code\UE4\Source\ConanSandbox\Character\ConanPlayerController.cpp(4946): AConanPlayerController::Tick: ToggleIngameLoadingScreen(false), m_ClientState=4
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:266][937]GUI:Display: C:\B\tech_exiles\code\UE4\Source\ConanSandbox\UI\HUD\ConanHUD.cpp(58): AConanHUD::RemoveIngameLoadingScreen_Implementation: RemoveIngameLoadingScreen
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:266][937]ConanSandbox: RemoveIngameLoadingScreen
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:266][937]GUI:Display: C:\B\tech_exiles\code\UE4\Source\ConanSandbox\UI\HUD\ConanHUD.cpp(50): AConanHUD::RemoveIngameLoadingScreenNative: ActivateModule(“IngameLoadingScreen”, false)
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:266][937]GUI:Display: C:\B\tech_exiles\code\UE4\Source\ConanSandbox\Character\ConanPlayerController.cpp(4951): AConanPlayerController::Tick: SetTransitionState(0), TransitionState=1
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:269][937]LogSlate: Took 0.002127 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font ‘…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Slate/Posterizer_KG_-_MYWAY_0_Default.ufont’ (540K)
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:271][937]LogSlate: Took 0.001777 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font ‘…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Slate/GLC_-_1350PrimitiveRussian_0_Default.ufont’ (191K)
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:282][939]LogVivox:Warning: Vivox login token request finished with status: Succeeded(4). Time taken: 1.377762
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:282][939]VivoxCore: LoginSession created for [8e050ce5169324d7954650ce4a7c625e]
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:282][939]VivoxCore: [201509a3187f200ea002090401303bd2]
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:784][969]VivoxCore: [a54c804138ee037a151ab807c67a5871]
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:784][969]VivoxCore: [5a1a1f2f112334a448d1ac5b27f8e801]
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:818][971]VivoxCore: [6cf04bb5a9f08a21672a6504967f4444]
[2021.08.24-01.07.08:958][980]LogPakFile:Error: Pak chunk signing mismatch! Pak file has been corrupted or tampered with!
[2021.08.24-01.07.09:434][ 8]LogVivox:Warning: Vivox login token request finished with status: Succeeded(4). Time taken: 1.309052
[2021.08.24-01.07.10:087][ 47]VivoxCore: [629a61dede902ec55dd5cb0b3a70af03]
[2021.08.24-01.07.10:087][ 47]VivoxCore: [8d9179661566ccdea69a1dfd120af98e]
[2021.08.24-01.07.30:099][245]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1)
[2021.08.24-01.07.30:099][245]Log file closed, 08/23/21 18:07:30
Expected Behavior:
The game will not cause Pak file corrupt errors and not crash.
Installed Mods:
Steps to Reproduce:
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
- Step 1: Log on, enable admin and begin teleporting around. Within five minutes, I will get a pak file corrupt error.