Pak files miss-match

I am wondering if anyone here can help me.

I am getting a Pak files missmatch Fatal error: [File:C:\B\tech_exiles\code\UE4\Source\ConanSandbox\ConanSandbox.cpp] [Line: 618]
Mounted paks num(200) not equal to expected paks num(199) and (0) optional packs not available. Please verify your installation


I have, verified, Deleted the Conan exiles folder out of my pathing and reinstalled, and I have reinstalled again normally.

The common fix I’ve seen is to delete the missmatching Pak, but i have zero clue how to find it. Because my net is slow it takes me 2-3 days for a reinstall.

Reinstalling as not fixed the paks issue. Please help

Greetings GardenBandit!
Thank you for reaching out to us and welcome back to our forums!

Situations like that can be due to mods, if you have any installed. If you do, please completely uninstall them and then verify your game files through the following manner:

  1. Open Steam
  2. In Library, click with the right button on the game and select “Properties”
  3. Select the Local files
  4. Select Verify integrity of game files….

We’ll be waiting for your reply!

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