We rented a server from Gportal as they are the only company it seems being allowed to rent out servers. Outside of poor performance issues which I chalk up to early day overload and stress things seemed to be working fine, however and this is a big however. The server password doesnt stay and suddenly you have jack wagons from all over the place invading your PRIVATE paid for server.
I sent a ticket to Gportal and their response was “Yep, sorry passwords on the ps4 dont work. Server software, not our fault” and that was it. The private server we paid for has people from all over the place. Its filled up to the point I couldnt even get on my own server and had to shut it down.
Funcom, you have to do something to help rectify this problem as Gportal hasnt even openly acknowledged it, or told people their private servers are far from private. They have no idea of if it will even get fixed. I love the game but I dont want to pay for a private server thats overrun by other people to the point I cant play it with my friends