Cannot log into conan/getting kicked within minutes

I am on a private server and my friend is experiencing thw worse problem ever!
He can load into conan sometimes but before he can do anything he’s kicked from the game, if not he fails to load at all, this is only happening with conan he’s able to play his other games without issues.
We’ve contacted gportal who cannot help, we’ve wiped and reset his ps4, we’ve tried logging in to another ps4, weve tried an alternative account and nothing he still cannot get onto the game.
This has become a really bad thing as he co pays for the server so obviously not being able to get online to play his game is really upsetting.
Has anyone had this before??
Is there anything else we can try??
We are running out of ideas and just want some help now??

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Hello @Vampira246, thank you for getting in touch.

Can you ensure that your friend has its console on a wired connection?

Does he have any issues with joining other official or private servers within his region?

Was he ever able to play in this private server without issues?

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Hello, yes he had tried both wired and wireless connection, he was actively playing on this server and others including officials

Try to go to account settings, then restore licences. See if that helps, if a game is not working me for i do that and it works again after most of times.

If rebuilding the PS4 database doesn’t help, please ask your friend to try performing a full reinstall.

So after doing a full reinstall and a ps4 wipe we finally got him online apparently his ip address was blocked for conan but gportal hasn’t got any idea how that happened and as he primarily plays on private servers and doesn’t rule break it wasnt a funcom ban (he did get a response from them confirming he wasn’t banned) we don’t know how it happened

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