Cant play cause wont let me in keeps trying ti say i need ti sign into playstation??conan exiles has been on playstation for five or six yrs now why is stuff like this still happening
It did that when I went to login probably the update had not finished. @Chaos314699
Logged in fine after
Thank sestus im trying to keep logging but it keeps kicking me due to log in says i need to sign in to psn something just not working right maybe ill try again tommorrow gotta lot think about where i soend my free time an my money lol
Understand took awhile to loading and I was doing other stuff. Good luck
It asks me when I select play online to log in. Connects fine but weird change
Likewise. It was a bit of a hiccup but easy enough to fiddle thru.
Says that every time i load the game.
New change, not sure what it is doing.
I normally just play single player the non-coop mode shrug.
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