Hi guys i play on [PC-Win10] and my Server is running on Windows Server 2016 Datacenter edition, i bought the game yesterday and play alone on my server, i have following problem when i put stuff (doesnt matter what) in my storage chest it simply dissaper. What can i do to dont make this happen? cuz i stopped now playing it makes no sense to me to gather stuff put in in the chest and it magical disaper.
Hi there,
I have moved this topic to the PC Updates and Bugs thread. This is currently a known issue in the game. The devs are investigating the issue further. I unfortunately do not have anymore information than that. Please keep a look out for more info.
I had an issue along these lines where when i was placing my chests (and some other placeables) the game would drop 2 in the same spot instead of one. I was wondering where all my iron bars went, then decided to destroy the chest only to find another in the same spot that had my iron bars.
I have also had this issue when placing carpets and chairs. It is not all of the time.
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