PC Kernel-Power Critical error

Okey i have been unable to find any files or program on my computer called rivatuner, i think it’s a optional program? and i updated my MSI afterburner yesterday and i was able to play the game without a single crash. although today they are back.

Although you can download and independently install RivaTuner, so that you may open it by accessing its icon, it’s really a module other graphics card companies use. It is the tool that shows the HUD, does the video capture and monitors the framerate. As they say in their documentation: “initially designed as a small helper app for our own utility, RivaTuner Statistics Server became the de-facto OSD/vidcap/fps service provider for other graphic card utilities.” This is why you can find it in your Settings within MSI Afterburner.

Did you reboot your PC between the good play yesterday and the resumption of crash? Edit: Also, you don’t run GeForce Experience too do you?

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